I did no gardening yesterday or today. Yesterday I had an excuse: It was raining. Today was just pure-t laziness.
Here is photo I took today of the China rose Mme. Laurette Messimy.This rose has grown so much in two years. This will really be first year to see it big and full of blooms. I think this one is beautiful, but the photos I've seen of it online aren't that attractive. Looks like it fades fast. We'll see.
All my roses are just full of buds, waiting to explode. I can't wait.
I did do lots of plant ordering/buying the past two days.
Daylilies from ebay (ebay photos):Edge of Darkness
Mildred Mitchell (which I've wanted for several years)
I also bought from ebay peony Gay Paree and echinacea Twilight. I'm bidding on another peony Bowl of Beauty, which I love love love. I'm going to plant one of the peonies in front of the roses in my Front Porch Garden (gotta come up with better name!). The other I'll maybe put in Fairy Garden, which is also in front yard. I have a white peony there that I'd rather have in the back, but it's so big and established now that I don't dare move it.
I ordered three tea roses (!) from Vintage Gardens:
Mmme. Charles (My second. Such a great tea.)
Marie d'Orleans
McClinton Tea
My Wayside Gardens order (I know a lot of people don't like Wayside, but I've never really had any problems):
Qty 4 Mazus reptans
Qty 3 Malva sylvestris Blue
Qty 3 Geranium 'Rozanne'
Qty 1 Epimedium pubigerum
Qty 3 Geranium hybrid 'Orion'
Stay tuned for actual gardening tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Ordering Crazy
Posted by karenleigh at 5:57 PM
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