You can bury a lot of troubles digging in the dirt.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

The Real Dirt

Gardening over Memorial Day weekend.

Moved 5 roses (Pat had to help with a couple):

Perle d'Or - the biggie. Pat helped me, but he really chopped the roots (Don't tell him I said that. He already got mad at me about it once. ;) ). I hope it makes it.
L.D. Braithwaite - decided to put Christopher Marlowe in its place (prime real estate).
Rosette Delizy
Irene Watts
Livin' Easy

Roses planted:

Tipsy Imperial Concubine
Golden Celebration
Crown Princess Margareta
Christopher Marlowe

Also planted:

Spanish lavender
Creeping thyme
Dipladenia vine
Light blue veronica (?)
Yellow tiger lily (bought at Farmhouse Gardener)